We are specialised in most commonly used rees.

The rare earth elements (REEs) are widely used in several industries due to their unique properties.

What we do

Keep on Empowering our future

We believe protecting the environment is as important as maintaining a stable supply of REEs. 

As a leading player in the industry, we are committed to providing top-quality rare earth elements to global markets, catering to a wide range of industries and applications.

Type of Elements
Capacity in Tons/mth
The # of Countries our clients from
Years in Industry
Our Commitment

Superior Product Quality

We understand that the quality of rare earth elements is of utmost importance to our customers. Therefore, we adhere to rigorous quality control measures throughout our supply chain.

Our dedication to excellence ensures that our clients receive rare earth elements of the highest purity and consistency, meeting the stringent standards required for various industries, including electronics, renewable energy, automotive, and more.


Oil & Gas



New Energy


Materials Maker

AeroSpace &

Operating on a global scale

Unparalleled Expertise

Global Reach

Our extensive network enables us to access rare earth elements from Asia regions, ensuring a stable and reliable supply for our clients globally.

Commitment to Sustainability

We are passionate about responsible sourcing and sustainable practices.

Quality Assurance

We would regularly distribute the latest laboratory test & result to our clients.
What are our strengths?

powerful capacity

Our geographic location, combined with our expertise in mining, size of manpower, global logistics, all these enable us to address the concerns and meet the requirements of our clients.

  • Strategic Geographic Location
  • Expertise in Exporting
  • Cost-Effective Logistic Solutions
  • Efficiency
  • Administration
  • Powerful Capacity
The applications of our products

Rare Earth Elements

Vital and Versatile Minerals with Unique Properties

Let’s work together

Diversified REEs production

As the increasing tensions between the nations in the rare earth element’s supply chain can pose significant threats and uncertainties for end-product users.

We always welcome various partnership in the global supply chain.

Knowledge Centre

About Rare Earths

We will delve into the findings of a comprehensive report published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

With the space industry heavily reliant on these elements, disruptions in the supply chain have impeded progress in space missions and created logistical challenges.

As a trusted supplier with direct access to REE resources and a strong commitment to quality assurance. As the report clearly illustrated the issues the global supply chain are very likely to encountered.

Our team will assist you

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